I can do all this through him who gives me strength.Phillipians 4:13

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My desire is to help others achieve not only their aesthetic goals but to provide them with the knowledge and tools they need to make their healthy lifestyle change permanent. -A'dryan Evans on Inspiration.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).

These words are the source of my inspiration for everything I do in life. They motivate me to strive for greatness in all areas of my life.

Creating a healthy bodybuilding lifestyle is not easy. If it were, we all would have amazing physiques like the ones you see in magazines. The truth is it’s extremely difficult for those who do not have the right mindset.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Simple words but very profound. No one ever achieved greatness overnight. Even the greatest basketball player ever to play the game. Michael Jordan experienced this first hand when in his junior year of high school he was cut from the basketball team. Instead of giving up and wallowing in self-pity Jordan used this as his inspiration, and you know the rest of the story. Too often people rely on others to motivate them.

On that note -there is nothing wrong with having a training partner, or a personal trainer, but your source of inspiration and motivation must come from within. A bodybuilding lifestyle is self-serving, meaning that I can’t do it for you and you can’t do it for me. You have to own it develop it and ever continue to raise the bar. There is no room for complacency. There are a lot of critics out there who will say it’s unhealthy and obsessive to have this attitude, and it makes one self-absorbed. I completely disagree it creates such a disciplined life that permeates every facet of life. It challenges you to face adversity head on and creates a goal oriented life. Which in turn strengthens your mind and your will.

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. -mohandas gandhi

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